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Inspired by Tulipina Painting by Claudette Carlton

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Comments (4)

Anna Folkartanna Maciejewska-Dyba

Anna Folkartanna Maciejewska-Dyba

This is a beautiful artwork, Claudette.

Thank you so much, Anna! God bless!

Lesley Evered

Lesley Evered

Congratulations, your picture has been featured on the home page in the group ART OF FLORAL ARRANGEMENTS on 17th November 2022. This is an excellent still life and favourite. Please look in the group discussions to see the features for this week and any message you may like to leave there will be most appreciated. The link will be found on the group e mail. Contest for YOUR FAVOURITE STILL LIFE FLOWERS WITH ADDITIONAL OBJECT will be open for entries for just four more days. Please see group e-mail for the links to both of these subjects.

Thank you ever so much for choosing this painting to feature, Lesley. God bless.

Beryl Jasper

Beryl Jasper

Congrats!! Your wonderful artwork has been featured in THE PAINTING LOGGIA group. Please feel free to post your artwork in “Features 2022- Archive” and any other discussion in which the artwork fits. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you very much, Beryl! Blessings! Claudette

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

Gorgeous work, Claudette!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "Beautiful Watercolors"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! And also a special congratulations as your gorgeous artwork was specially chosen as an “Administrator's Finest” and shared in the Beautiful Watercolors group thread!! 😊

Thank you so much, Taphath. I am very honored indeed to be chosen as an Administrator's Finest! This is a first for me! Blessings. Claudette

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Inspired by Tulipina by Claudette Carlton
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