Pigeon Point Lighthouse

by Claudette Carlton
Original - Sold
11.000 x 14.000 inches
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Pigeon Point Lighthouse
Claudette Carlton
Painting - Watercolor
Traveling south on Highway 1 from San Francisco one day, we came across this unexpected lighthouse. Pigeon Point Lighthouse at 115 feet is one of the tallest in the USA. It was created in 1872 and today is both a hostel and a California state park. I just had to paint it!
January 3rd, 2023
Comments (5)

Gary F Richards 26 Days Ago
Spectacular Portland Head Lighthouse composition, lighting, shading, lovely colors and artwork! F/L voted

Kiruthika S
A fantastic watercolor painting of the lighthouse...Congrats on your recent features l/f

Beryl Jasper
Your wonderful painting has been featured in THE PAINTING LOGGIA group. Please feel to post your artwork in “Homepage Features” and any other discussion in which the artwork fits. Thanks for sharing.

Holly April Harris
Beautiful watercolor! So delicately done… I am very pleased to feature your lovely artwork in the group ‘Covered Bridges and Historical Buildings.’ Please add it to the “2023 First Quarter Featured Image Collection” thread in the discussions area to record and display your image amongst the best in the group. Thank you! 1/4/23