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Polly - Watercolor Painting by Claudette Carlton

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Comments (11)

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… ONE BIRD TRADITIONAL! F/L

That's very generous of you, Gary, especially considering where I landed on this one. But congrats to you for your win - well deserved!

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Exceptional Polly - Watercolor composition, lighting, shading, excellent colors and artwork! F/L voted

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Congratulations on your Top Finish in the contest… GREEN ANIMALS INSECTS AND BIRDS CONTEST! F/L

Thank you very much, Gary.

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Spectacular Polly Parrot composition, lighting, shading, beautiful green colors and artwork! F/L voted

Thank you very much, Gary. I wish you success in all of your art endeavors!

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

Beautiful work, Claudette!!! CONGRATULATIONS, your work is featured in "For the Birds"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" discussion thread and any other thread that is fitting!! 😊

Gary F Richards

Gary F Richards

Outstanding parrot composition, lighting, shading, pastel color and artwork! F/L voted

Thank you, Gary!

Candi Moon

Candi Moon

Nice work!

Thank you, Candi!

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

Beautiful work, Claudette!! Congratulations, your work is Featured in "For the Birds"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" Discussion!!

Laurel Adams

Laurel Adams

CF, what a beautiful watercolour...CONGRATULATIONS on your Homepage Feature in Beautiful Watercolour Group...YAY!

Thank you, Laurel! I appreciate your encouragement :).

Taphath Foose

Taphath Foose

Lovely parrot painting! Congratulations, your work is Featured in "Beautiful Watercolors"! I invite you to place it in the group's "Featured Image Archive" Discussion!! L/F

Sarah Batalka

Sarah Batalka

Beautiful work! L/F/v

Thank you, Sarah. I take that as a significant compliment coming from an artist like yourself :).

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Polly - Watercolor by Claudette Carlton
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